Brian DuQuesnay
Southwest Ranches, FL
“I shoot competitively and I am always looking for a competitive edge. I am one of the top ten veteran shooters in the USA and am a member of TEAM USA in both FITASC and Sporting Clays. When you are called up to shoot, the conditions aren’t always perfect. We may have to shoot in cloudy, windy and rainy conditions, which is a lot tougher than a nice sunny day! It doesn’t matter if your eyes are watering; when it is your turn to shoot you have to be good to go. Acute vision and hand-eye coordination are so important in Sporting Clays and FITASC. Claroxan has helped me keep my eyes healthy and my vision strong.* It is basically a necessity to me at this level. I can attribute my success of strong, healthy vision to Claroxan.* And, although I am a bit near-sighted, my prescription has changed nominally over the past five years!”